Sold Out By Betty Crocker

Jun 26, 2009
So yes, I have a subscription to The Betty Crocker Cookbook Collection. Now normally that’s the kind of information that I’d ask folks to keep under their hats or other apparel suitable for storin...

The Fine Art of Chinese Buffet Takeout

Jun 12, 2009
Those people over there in the booths? They’ve got it easy… Anybody can come to an all-you-can-eat buffet, plop their family down for the evening, and proceed to maximize their return on that $7.9...

Chocolate Cake for Breakfast

Mar 20, 2009
Ahhh, screw it – I’ll just do a few extra sit-ups tomorrow! If you’re anything like me, you were one of the geniuses who triumphantly decided to take a stand this New Years and put taking better...

Lose It or Lose It

Sep 12, 2008
Alrighty, folks – we’re officially in panic mode! And boy, am I tired. Honestly, I probably shouldn’t even be taking the break to write the here column, but the way I see it, there’s only so m...