Bringing the Boat Back Home

Nov 20, 2009
Boy, does time fly when you’re not on a boat, let me tell you… And granted, I may have been just a wee bit apprehensive about my very first boat-based break from reality, what with the ever-impend...

Reasons Why My Wife is Awesome

Oct 9, 2009
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a very special Anniversary Edition of The Humor Column. Special not only because I managed beat the stereotype and actually remember my own anniversary, but even more ...

Completely Legitimate Cruising Concerns

Apr 24, 2009
It’s on, my friends! The big vacation is now a mere six months away and counting, and the clock ticks closer every day to that time when I’ll be hopping on a gigantic boat with my wife down to the...

Why Can’t You Drive 55?!

Mar 13, 2009
Oh good – you’re still here! Sorry, folks – I would’ve been here sooner, but I ran into a little “traffic problem” along the way, and by “traffic problem” I mean to say that I got stuc...

Only This Blanket Can Save You Now!

Jan 16, 2009
Thanks to Mother Nature and her stupid cold front, it’s been a bit nippy around here lately, especially for anyone or anything that happens to live outside. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s cert...

A Google Maps Kind of Day…

Nov 14, 2008
It’s amazing the kinds of things you can find to do when you should be working. Take Google Maps, for instance – now I know that these features have actually been out for quite some time now, but ...

Voltron for President

Oct 24, 2008
The other candidates are right – it is time for change. But when we’re talking about the future of the greatest nation on Earth, why stop with change in our politics or our economy or even our way...

A Bachelor’s Swan Song

Oct 3, 2008
So this is it, folks – my last column as a single man, and not so much in the doppelganger or evil twin lurking out there in the shadows perspective so much as the no more checking out hot chicks at...